“Vermiglio” by Maura Delpero portrays the final year of World War II within a large family. The arrival of a refugee soldier disrupts their peace, creating a paradox: as the world regains its own equilibrium, their household is thrown into turmoil.
“Vermiglio” has already won...
Michele Morrone was honoured with the "Ischia Global Breakout Star of the Year award" during the Ischia Global Film & Music Festival 2024. This prestigious award was conferred on Morrone, a talented and charming actor who captured international attention after he played the role...
Peter Webber was celebrated at the 2024 Ischia Global Fest with the prestigious “Ischia Luchino Visconti Award”.
Peter Webber is one of the most respected and versatile directors in the contemporary film industry, known for his ability to bring complex and exciting stories to the...
Brigitte Nielsen – “Ischia Global Art Award”
The Ischia Global Film & Music Festival, produced and founded by Pascal Vicedomini, and chaired by Jim Sheridan is made with the support of MiC’s DG Cinema and Audiovisual and the Campania Region. The Accademia Internazionale Arte Ischia and Siae, Riflessi-Made In Italy, Givova, Rainbow and Vulcano...
Vincent Riotta was celebrated at the 2024 Ischia Global Fest with the prestigious 'Ischia Global Art Award'. Vincent Riotta, born in London on 3 January 1959, is a British actor of Italian origin. His career ranges from theatre to cinema, including numerous appearances in...
Giampaolo Morelli, the well-known Neapolitan actor and director, received the Ischia Carlo Vanzina Award at the 22nd Ischia Film&Music Festival. This prestigious award, named in memory of the master of genre cinema Carlo Vanzina, celebrates Morelli's extraordinary career. Vanzina was an early supporter of...
On the Ischia Global Fest 2024 occasion, actress Gloria Guida was presented with "the Ischia Lifetime Achievement Award". The award ceremony, held on 12 July 2024 at the Pineta Nenzi Bozzi in Ischia Porto, recognised Guida's contribution to cinema and its lasting influence on...